I don’t quite get it. What is this article about? UBI? Or using triangles to define regions of the planetary surface? If its the latter, why triangles? We have centuries of map-making experience; why not draw on this expertise, instead of inventing some new, utterly incompatible system for representing land areas?
So, for example, I sharply believe that maps belong on the block-chain. Start with .e.g. OpenStreetMap. It could be huge: professional surveyors are hired by real-estate developers all the time. Their efforts are effectively “lost”, when they should instead be getting recorded on the block-chain. Ditto for everything done by urban planners, title agencies, watershed protection agencies, electric transmission cooperatives, you name it. All this crap should be on the blockchain, instead of lying around piece-meal in random databases and overlays. And geodesic triangles ain’t gonna cut it for those guys.
Next: allocating UBI to land areas … oof. That will just cause people to move to that land area. For example, why are Syrians moving to Germany instead of Greece? Because Germany has a much better economy than Greece. And you should think of “a better economy” as being a certain kind of “pre-alpha prototype of UBI that is very unfair”. Because until there is an actual UBI, it is a de facto truth that “a better economy” is the next-best thing. So Syrians are moving to Germany today, and .. whatever. People get up and move to those geographic areas where the economy is better, so allocating money to geographic areas is … well, it has political repercussions.